Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Grammy and Grandpa

Grammy and Grandpa came for a visit, the kids were so excited.  There is nothing like getting spoiled rotten, right?  They came in on a Thursday night.  Friday morning we took them to our favorite outdoor spot and went for a little hike.

Addy showing us she can climb a tree, she had quite a hold on the tree.
Marcus and Katie tried it, but couldn't hold on by themselves.

Saturday we spent the day hanging out in Charlotte and eating at some fabulous new places.


Mark and I escaped the kids twice, Friday night we had his parents babysit and Saturday night we got a babysitter and we all went out.  

Monday we drove around and checked out preschools for Addy and Marcus, and then dropped Eileen and Kerry off at the airport.  It was a sad moment for everyone.  (Of course Marcus--who has been sleeping in our room for the past 2 weeks, and didn't sleep well the night before-- ruined it by crying  at the top of his lungs all the way from lunch to the airport.) Despite the tearful trip, it was a great weekend!

1 comment:

Kristine and Philip said...

How fun! Love to see those pictures. Addy is strong and poor Marcus. He was sad Grammy and Grandpa were leaving. Hopefully he slept well better that night. Say "Hi" to Katie for me. We were roommates last summer! Give them all hugs--Mark too! = )