Monday, November 19, 2012

the Storm

Does the craziness in my life ever end?  And if it doesn't, that means that I must be bringing it on myself right?  

Right after we finished our homestudy Mark was approached with a job offer from a bank in Stamford, CT.  We joked about taking it but were not super serious.  Mark and I decided to move forward with the offer to see where it would lead.  It was super slow going.  At the same time, on the adoption front nothing was happening.  I think Mark and I thought that we would either --move--or --adopt-- but not both.  The job thing progressed too the point of flying Mark up for an interview--but we still didn't have enough details to really consider it.  Finally, we received the call about Jaxon and then all the sudden he was born (we had to cancel a trip to check out CT to go pick up Jaxon).  We put the job out of our minds and focused on trying to survive with 4 kids (my brain is mush!).  By the way, the reason there has not been a blog lately is because I lost my camera on Halloween (I had not uploaded any of the pictures since before Jaxon came home).  I still cannot find it anywhere!  That and adding the forth child has seriously been a little...anyway, I think the bank knew that the baby trumped them, because when they finally got Mark an offer, it was one heck of an offer.  And guess what!  We are moving to Connecticut.  In one week!  

Blogs may be slow going until I learn to function...with 4 kids, in a new state, with no family, no friends...
just kidding I don't really feel too sorry for myself, yet.  

The perks are
1. NYC 45 mins away 
2. Highschool friends 4 hours away (thanks Kim for coming to help me find a house!)

The kids are SOOO excited for the snow, Mark told them Rufio would pull them in a sled so now that is all they talk about.

I will not list the things I am sad about leaving; family, amazing friends, my house, walking to the Y, walking to school, my neighborhood, my house (did I say that already?), the weather.

Oh yeah, remember when we paid for law school and now my husband is going to be a banker.
At least, maybe when we are all moved and settled I will be able to think clearly again.


Frolicking Night Owl said...

Congrats! I think Scott & Margie Johnson are now in CT ... also cloes to NY ... if you knew then in Pgh?? They were in my ward, but then he got called as bishop of the singles ward. They're about our age and they just had their 4th, too. :)

Richele said...

Crazy, indeed - I love it!

I hope you guys love the snow and adventure to come! I think I only drove through CT, but really enjoyed in our time in RI.

Emma said...

Reading this is making me depressed about you leaving. BUT I will say that I am happy for you. BUT I am still sad. I will eat some ice cream to drown my sorrows. -sigh-

Em said...

You seriously have the craziest life. But also the coolest. I am so excited for all of you!

Your baby Jaxon is so handsome and gorgeous; what a cool story.

Good luck in will do great. Trips to NY will be well worth all the stress in moving (Chinatown buses all the way!!!).

Btw, Chuche is so jealous you have a dog named Rufio. Must be a guy thing.