I am officially baby-less in my house--right, 2 years old is a toddler?
I know Katie would like to change that, but I must say it feels good.
How crazy that two years ago we were in Texas. On Addy's and Marcus' birthday I was thinking about our experience there, how intense it was. I don't think I have ever written about what happened while we were waiting for Courtney to have her c-section. The twins birthfather (also, Courtney) came to the hospital with his mother to try and stop the adoption. The social worker sent Mark and I into the hallway while she met with everyone. After talking to them, the socialworker came into the hallway and told Mark and I the adoption was off, that the birthfather wanted the twins and that we couldn't do an adoption without his signature. Hiding our panic, we explained to the social worker that that was not Texas law. For some reason everyone we met in Texas thought 'law school'=lawyer and Mark's words were gold (even though I am the adoption expert), so the social worker suggested some mediation between us and the birthfather and his mother. I can't even think about how I felt, how my hands were shaking, as we met with them. The terror ended in him signing the adoption paperwork, I still don't know why. Maybe because we told him we would take him to court; maybe because he would have had to fight for them; or maybe it was because Mark and I got emotional when we explained to our children's birthfather that we loved them already, that we had everything ready for them, we had a mom and a dad together, that could financially support them. Whatever it was, Addy and Marcus are ours, and they are loved by everyone in their lives--birth and adopted family.
(Courtney (birthfather) came back a few times to see the twins and hold them before we left the hospital, he and his mother contacted us on the twins birthday last year and asked us to start sending them pictures and updates.)
The twins birthday this year started with a bang.
Such sweeties!! I don't think I had ever heard the story about their adoption. Thanks for sharing!
Happy Birthday! I love you two so so much! Love Aunt Rachel
Carson's response to seeing these pictures "Katie's SO awesome!" and of course he enjoyed seeing Marcus and Addy.
oh man, your kids are so stinkin' cute!!
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