Saturday, November 13, 2010

Can you help...?

Ok, I am going to force this post on you, by emailing it out to most of my contacts. Most of you know my background and know about the organization my parents started in Guatemala 6 years ago. We are currently helping the Mayan Indians, so many of which, have been devastated by mudslides from Hurricane Agatha. Safe Homes for Children is focusing on community programs and trying to help the Mayan people better themselves by encouraging education. We provide school lunch (sometimes the only meal they get to eat that day), provide tutoring and some other programs which you can read about here.

Among the Mayan Indians the average age to drop out of school is 12, not because they don't want to continue, but because it costs money for uniforms, supplies and enrollment that their families don't have. How can they change things for their children? How can they end the poverty that they live in? How are they supposed to have a better life then their parents if they don't receive an education?

Go here ( look at the kids and to get more information. I know that most of the people that read this blog are not wealthy, but with Christmas time coming near, it is a good time to search out those in need.

You can pick a kid to sponsor for this upcoming academic year, or throughout the rest of their schooling (yearly), you can split a sponsor with someone if you need to (let me know and I will take care of it). I am very involved in everything in Guatemala so you can come to me for an update at anytime. Their school year is different then ours (runs January to October), so the money is needed in the next month or these kids will not move on to middle school.

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