Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A little love...

Just in time for Valentine's Day Marcus and Addy have learned the power of saying 'I love you'; they know they can get what they want because it melts my heart. When I ask Marcus who he loves, he yells at the top of his lungs, "I love Mama!!!". I give Addy a hug when she gets in the car from preschool and she says, "Wuv you Mama".

Katie is also being smart with love...last weekend a certain nameless sister, who might have a reason, was looking at wedding dresses with Katie. Katie picked her favorite dress in the magazine, a huge, puffy princessy dress on a girl who happened to be in the arms of a blond boy. My sister said to Katie "maybe that can be you someday" (she meant in the dress) but Katie said, "no, I am not going to marry a boy with long curly blond hair". Mark was very proud of her for being so selective.

Katie's Valentine artwork.
The 'e' on "love" was cut a little in the scan

This Valentine's Day Marcus celebrated by singing "Happy Valentines Day to You" (to the tune of 'Happy Birthday', if you couldn't get that) to me first and then to Katie and last to Addy. Mark didn't get home in time to earn the song.

Addy and Katie putting Valentines on the door of our neighbors. Shhh!

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